
Acanorex Logo | Courtesy of Jayeditz444

TL;DR. This is a personal project to share my knowledge in Free and Open Source Software with the community. I do not sell, nor desire to extract any of your hard earned capital, nor do I provide support for your issues through this site and it is and will remain a self-funded, personal project. For any professional engagement opportunities (based on availability) I can be reached through my e-mail address: and that is the end of the story.

With over 20 years of experience working in the Free and Open Source Software ream, as the site author attempts to provide the kind of content that I would be glad I stumbled upon while "googling" for topics, tips, or tricks that are beneficial if not at least informative, period. No ads, not promotions, no shenanigans. Content that I and hopefully you would also find valuable during the learning of a particular technology topic that pertains to Open Source technology. Topics such as Operating Systems, Automation Frameworks, Cloud and Storage Infrastructure Frameworks.

In the span of 20 years, in the world of tech, there is a paradigm shift or two from the context technology evolution and practices, that the topics of this blog are limited to where the I as the author have spent a significant amount of time and effort in developing proficiency for the last 10 years. This consists of core technologies such as the Linux Operating System, OpenStack, Kubernetes/OpenShift, Ansible, and Ceph from the context of a Private or Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Engineer but will also do my best to also include other topics that are relevant to these core technologies.

As a fellow human, of course there are other aspects of my private life where over the years, I've developed other interests beyond technology which include: cooking, bicycle building and riding, traveling, and working/repairing automobiles. There is no limit to the learning capacity of a human and I am doing the best that I can to show you what I as an individual has learned over the years. There is no point in learning without enabling others. So lets go fishing together.

I want to cordially thank you for your support and hope that you find the contents of this blog useful in your journey to technical domain knowledge mastery, to whatever those may be.

With The Kindest of Regards,